Community Church Hong Kong Podcast

Summer Storytime: Water to Wine



We will be rounding out our sermon series, Summer Storytime, with Pastor Brenda preaching on that time when Jesus turned water into wine at the Wedding in Cana. Let us prepare our hearts by meditating on John 2:11, which goes, "Jesus did this as the first of his miraculous signs, in Cana of Galilee. In this way he revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him." If you are new to Community Church, WELCOME! We would love to get to know you. Please fill in the following form and we look forward to connecting with you: You can also find all timely and relevant links from this service on You can also find out more about us at ================ This Week's Scripture: // John 2:6-11 // Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washing, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus told the servants, “Fill the water jars with water.” So they filled them up to the very top. Then he told them, “Now draw some ou