D&d Journey Of The Fifth Edition

RPGaDay2022 Day 24 When did you start playing this character?



When did you start playing this character? Kellie: Lil (Lil-with-crooked-smile) Changeling Bard Lil’s parents live in secret with humans in the town of Middleton, far from Freeport but a minor stop on the overland routes.  Her father, Tal-with-piebald-eyes, is a clerk in the magistrate’s office under the identity of Thom Tilson. (Til is actually Tal’s father’s name).  He also has a Persona of Cruxley, the master forger.  He often makes forged documents for Changelings who pass through.  Her mother, Lah-with-long-lashes, is a bard.  She has the Persona of Melody Tilson, a half-elf Bard and performs in the local Tavern.  They had many other masks and personas but those were their most used forms.  Lil will often use these personas.  Lil has a cousin, Voy-with-notched-ear, who lives in a Freeport community of Changelings but she is not very close with him.  She prefers the company of her friends but visits regularly.  There is so much inspiration and variety amidst the single-skins, especially in a large port c