Conversations With Calcaterra

EP74 – Mark Morrison (Educator) – Conversations with Calcaterra



“Baseball was boring to me…I wanted to get up and down. I wanted to run and jump so Basketball was perfect for me. Now at 5’ 11” and white probably not the best choice looking back at it. I took my body to the limit.” – Mark Morrison on Conversations with Calcaterra “The odds…crazy! Three to 5 years to survive if you survive the surgery. 50/50 chance to survive the surgery, 98% all these different numbers. I just shut that out. I’m not dying!!! – Mark Morrison on Conversations with Calcaterra “If you want to teach then you gotta reach and that’s what I felt that I was reaching to these kids. Whatever you needed, whatever I had that day. If a kid said he was hungry I’d gave him my lunch, I bought them lunch. That was for me the reality check of how good I had it. - Mark Morrison on teaching in inner city schools on Conversations with Calcaterra When going to high school did you ever wonder who your teacher was away from school? Certain teachers leave a lasting impression on their students and add a mult