Radio Aluna Teatro

74 (English): Repost Merendiando with Santiago Guzmán



“Santiago is an artist that I have seen growing so fast ... and he is building a community in a place where you know it's difficult ... but he is fully committed”     - Beatriz Pizano  “I really want this... I am finding my way in the community and trying to understand what is it that I want to do with what I have, and where else I could go as an individual, but also trying to support other artists to grow”      - Santiago Guzmán This week we are doing a repost of Santiago Guzmán episode from Season 3 as he makes his way to Toronto for the Rutas Festival! And to help us introduce this Repost Episode we invited the Aluna Theatre’s Artistic Director  Beatriz Pizano as she shares with us her excitement of having Santiago show Altar in the line up.  Original text from episode: This week Monica and Camila chat with Santiago Guzmán, theatre and filmmaker born in Mexico City and now based in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Santiago shares stories from his journey moving from Mexico to the Maritimes, studying and working i