Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

The Truth About False Teachers - Part 2 (2 Peter 2:18-22) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



The prosperity gospel is based on the lie that you can get everything you want in this world by following God and having enough faith. Can you imagine a martyr’s response to this teaching?! A False teacher's allure isn’t actual truth, but what might be gained by exploiting the truth. They advertise freedom, but deliver further bondage. True freedom isn’t found in the stuff Jesus can give us, but in Jesus Himself. Freedom in Christ is really at the heart of the Gospel message, but it’s not a call to give free reign to the “passions of the flesh”. [v.18] In the end of [v.20-22] Peter says that to know the truth and to be changed by the truth is to endure. If you have heard the truth of the Gospel, the expectation is true belief, true repentance, and enduring till the end. A Christian’s nature has been fundamentally changed by Jesus, and He will finish what He’s started.