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Kristian James - Once Upon a Christmas Eve in 烋



Once Upon a Christmas Eve in Salem - Coming Soon Join Wintery Bliss In Salem for Christmas Join in the caroling, snow ball fights, good food and make sure to look to the sky for a glimpse of Santa Drac! Come to deliver gifts to all of the children of this majestic witch's city. Merry Dracmas! The book releases November 12th. Special release party in Salem, MA on October 8 - 9, 2022. About the Author Kristian James Kristian James is an avid Disney and professional wrestling fan. He is married to his beautiful wife, Jessica, has two dogs named Wrigley and Oattie, and a cat called Doyer. When Kristian isn’t writing, he enjoys watching the Chicago Cubs along with the Arizona Cardinals, taking his wife to the movies, sushi dates and getting pizza. What can parents say to console their young children when a close relative or friend dies? This is a question that haunted Kristian James, a 20-year U.S. Air Force veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, who heard about other m