Tell Me Your Story




As a medium and a practical psychic, I offer frank, usable, and actionable insight from the sixth sense and the afterlife on topics of real interest to you. I've been to those psychics who want to talk about ethereal things and mystical beings, or offer vague generalizations about "holding the space," or "raising my vibration." As a client, I was always looking for undeniable evidence of my deceased loved ones and concrete information that I could use in my life right now. Practical information that made sense, empowered me, and made it easier to find a relationship, job, or better health. I always wanted the kind of reading that left me feeling more in control of my life, with more confidence in my ability to make good choices. My expectations as a client have defined my career as a psychic medium. I've worked hard to develop the ability to translate those ethereal, sixth-sense visions into real evidence and practical insight. Because if you aren't getting insight, what are you paying a psychic for? I deve