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Catherine Shainberg - The Kabbalah Of Light


Synopsis What can the ancient practices of the Kabbalah teach us? How can they help us change our lives? and help us to change our lives? Scholar of the Kabbalah, Catherine Shainberg’s new book helps readers to unlock the secrets of their unconscious and understand what the images are trying to tell us about our lives. Catherine is a fascinating interview, she is open to writing articles about her work and we can provide excerpts from the book. If you would like to review a copy I would be happy to send you one. Below is press release for the book Catherine Shainberg Draws from Ancient Jewish Mystical Traditions To Help All Readers Find Their Path to Transformation How can the ancient Jewish mystical traditions help us answer our most urgent questions and transform our lives? In the Kabbalah of Light, Catherine Shainberg provides a step-by-step guide that helps readers tap into the subconscious to activate powers of manifestation and creativity using a practice passed down over cent