Purpose University

Summer 2022: Session 233 (History Notes: Life is A Blank Canvas with Eve Hudson, Ph.D.)



We're digging in the archives with this one. As it's back-to-school season, it was this very time two years ago that I had the pleasure of presenting a keynote for some of the most amazing first-generation students at The University of Southern Mississippi. In this session, I reflect on a thought I shared with students with a message too good not to share with you. In a world that is constantly pushing standards of all that you are supposed to be, I think it's important for you to be reminded that life is a blank canvas, and whatever you want for your life you get to create. Don't forget to check out the full session notes: www.thefirstgenlounge.com/234. Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit acast.com/privacy for more information.