Marla Martenson

The Dangers of Staying In A Relationship With A Narcicisst



Topics covered in this podcast, the narcissistic aspect of relationships, and divorcing that personality type, the health dangers of staying in a toxic relationship, and how to go no contact. My special guest is Martha Bodyfelt, a certified divorce recovery coach, mentor, and wingwoman for independent ladies who want to get unstuck so they can trust themselves, have fun, and find love again.  In the past 5 years, she has professionally coached over 100 women using the LionHeart Method, a no-BS, empowering solution that helps women recover from divorce pain and find love and thrive in a matter of weeks, not years.  Martha has also served as an expert contributor to the Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Psychology Today, and Thrive Global, where her advice has impacted over 10 million divorced women. Marla Martenson is a professional matchmaker, transformational life coach, award winning author, Reiki Master & intuitive reader. She has appeared on countless TV & radio shows including Coast to Coast A