Good Will Hunters

Kat Dunn - The Social Business



Welcome to Episode 39 of Good Will Hunters! This week I chat to Kat Dunn, CEO of Grameen Australia, about her work to support social businesses. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY THE INTREPID GROUP, THE TOUR COMPANY PROVIDING SUSTAINABLE, EXPERIENCE-RICH TRAVEL. You might recognise Grameen Australia from the Grameen Bank, the well know micro loan bank started by Muhammad Yunus. Grameen Australia isn't an extension of the Grameen Bank, but rather is an independent organisation supporting social businesses in Australia to scale. What is a social business? I'd describe it as a business with a social mission, which reinvests profits back into the business rather than giving profits to shareholders. In this episode, Kat describes why social businesses can do what governments and charities often can not. It's an important discussion and a fantastic insight into the work of Kat and her peers. Enjoy, Rachel [Royalty free music by Ben Sound]