Good Will Hunters

Promo: Launching our Autumn Series with Paul Ronalds and Rachel Mason Nunn



Welcome to Good Will Hunters' Autumn Series. The time has come for NGOs to radically transform. Major global shifts are underway. Civic space is shrinking and the fundamental tenets of democracy – open, transparent and accountable governance – are under threat. There is growing political antagonism towards advocacy and activism, and increasing restraints face NGOs that seek to hold governments to account. For NGOs, traditional sources of funding are drying up while demand for their services and stakeholder expectations are growing, driving up costs. Covid-19 has given renewed urgency to the localisation agenda – its no longer a choice, but an operational necessity. New technologies are creating incredible opportunities to increase impact and improve efficiency but also throwing up a raft of new challenges. Our people remain the single most important element of our success but the war for the best talent is heating up. And the workplace of the 21st century is going to look completely different to that o