Swiss Banking Lawyers Podcast

Where Do Rich People Keep Their Money?



Most rich people invest in their businesses and in real estate. However, a substantial part of the cake is invested offshore in safe-haven countries for asset protection. Rich people are looking for the safest place to keep money. What do rich people invest in? Since Covid-19 rich people keep their money with tangible assets. They invest in high-quality stocks, dividend-paying stocks, physical gold in bars and coins, battery metals, cryptocurrencies, real estate in the most wanted locations, commodities, historical documents, for example, Napoleon’s declaration of war to Spain, modern art starting from 1850 until today, antiques, car collections, Roman gold coins and much more. What banks do rich people use? They use the Swiss banks for large sums of money. How do millionaires insure their money? If a Swiss bank goes bust, your investments are not falling under the bankruptcy mass. How do the wealthy protect their money? The wealthy move their money out of their country. If you keep your money in your ho