Privateer Press Primecast

Privateer Press Primecast



Privateer Press Primecast Episode 45 Is Live! Hosts Will Shick and Will Hungerford jump right into details on all the new Retribution of Scyrah releases this month. Shick, Goetz, and Seacat talk about the Nyss and House Wyshnalyrr's specialty (hint: it's pies). The Struggle of Wills sees the return of Will Pagani as they discuss Company of Iron and the Northkin theme force. NO QUARTER Editor-in-Chief Lyle Lowery and NO QUARTER Assistant Josh Colón share giant news regarding the future awesomeness of NO QUARTER, (subscribe here to get #73 FREE!). And in closing, we go over upcoming Organized Play as well as a brand new WARMACHINE animated short and Penny Arcade Plays: WARMACHINE streaming weekly on Twitch (Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Pacific: with the grand finale at Lock & Load GameFest 2017: (tickets available now!).