Beth Jones International Speaker

Celebrity Deaths: Life after death



Where do we go when we die? Do we have nine lives like they say cats have? Are we reincarnated into a lion, a tiger, an elephant, or something else? Is there nothing and this life is all there is? In the news this week, there have been two famous celebrities who died, actress/singer Olivia Newton John (who co-starred with John Travolta in the 1978 movie hit, Grease), and Nichelle Nichols, who starred in the tv series and subsequent movies, Star Trek. Also, the American actress, voice actress, writer, and producer Anne Heche drove her car at a high speed into a Los Angeles residential house, catching the car and the house on fire. The news reports that the owner of the house narrowly escaped physical harm being a few feet away in the house from the crash. Anne is in the ICU in critical condition in a coma now, with burns that will need surgery and a significant pulmonary injury, requiring mechanical ventilation. So tragic. No matter how wealthy and famous you are, no matter how smart, how much you have accompl