Garlic Marketing Show

Best Customer Survey Questions to Improve Client Retention with Dr. Matt Champagne



Who would have thought that there is a science to conducting surveys?On this episode of the Garlic Marketing Show, Dr. Matt Champagne reveals the psychology of conducting surveys. He also explains how you can maximize your survey’s potential in understanding and keeping your current clients.What You’ll Learn:One of the worst questions you can ask on a surveyHow cruise lines use the SurveyConversation to overcome the challengesThe Worst Survey Scale according to Matt ChampagneThe best time to ask for a surveyHow to use surveys to keep your clients foreverConnect with Matt:Find Matt’s LinkedIn here!Check out his website!Get the 9 Principles of Customer Feedback today!Resources:Connect with IanSupercharge your marketing and grow your business with video case stories today!Book a Discovery Call Today with Our ExpertsSubscribe to the YouTube Channel Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit for more information.