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THERE IS A MAN - pt1 - There Is A Man



In “There Is A Man”, Rodney shares that if we are going to change the culture, and bring society back from the brink of self-destruction we must influence areas of education, religion, family, business, government/military, arts/entertainment, and media. God wants us to be leaders and influencers in the world. We are to be representatives of the Kingdom of God, this includes the schools. The book of Daniel reveals the words, thoughts, and deeds of an Old Testament prophet that was divinely equipped with aptitude, wisdom, and understanding. This divine gift was recognized by those in leadership and it elevated the prophet Daniel to a place of significant influence in the king of Babylon’s court. The world is in crisis. It is looking for answers to the multitude of problems it is facing. Will the world say of you, “There is a man…”, “There is a woman…” who has the Spirit of the Holy God. The world may see and sense God is doing something, but they don’t understand it. They are in distress. You have th