Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

“I Should Be Dead” - How I Survived Communism – Virginia Prodan



Today, there seems to be a romanticizing of communism among certain groups, particularly young people.   In this episode, Set Drayer sits in for Mark and interviews Virginia Prodan who experienced communism firsthand. Her book begins, “I should be dead. Buried under an unmarked grave in Romania. Obviously, I am not. God had other plans.”   Here in America, we’ve seen the deaths of millions of preborn babies by abortion. In her book, she writes, “Even freedom has its ugly side.”   Did she see warning signs of growing tyranny in America reminding her of her experience in Romania? What marching orders does she have for us in response? You’ll find out today.   Please watch/listen, share and leave a five-star review of the podcast. I believe you will be inspired.   The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Mark’s show is broadcast on American Family Radio’s 180 stations and Salem Radio on Saturday in Ohio. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, and all th