Purpose University

Summer 2022: Session 230 (History Notes: Do What's Best for You with Nzinga Mpenda)



Are you doing what's best for you? Wait… Let me ask that question differently. Are you doing what's best for you so as long as it doesn't bother, disappoint, or upset anybody else? When we think about doing what's best for us, we must truly do the things that are going to make us happy even if other people don't agree. It's not always the easiest thing to do because of the concerns of disapproval or rejection. When we do not make the choices to do what’s best for us, however, we’ll always be miserable. So, in this chat with Nzinga D. Mpenda, we discuss the importance of being authentic, doing what’s best for you, and learning to choose joy. Don't forget to check out session notes: www.thefirstgenlounge.com/session/230. Join The Kick It Crew: www.thefirstgenlounge.com/crew. Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit acast.com/privacy for more information.