Bellwether Hub Podcast

Digital Detangler: A Guide to Mindful Technology Use (Ep. 5)



The conundrum of the digital world is that we have all of this technology to make our lives easier, but what are we willing to sacrifice in order to use it? Stories abound of families glued to their smartphones around the dinner table and the impact of television and phones on young children’s brains, all leading to the frightening, supposed prospect of society becoming unglued due to the destruction of in-person social interaction. But not to worry, because this week we are very happy to have Pete Dunlap, author of "Digital Detangler: A Guide to Mindful Technology Use." Pete’s life work is to teach people how to use technology smartly, and have it become a part of your life, not take over your life. Pete has a realistic view on technology, and recognizes it’s both necessary and can provide value if we can identify how to wield it. He’s overflowing with research and statistics on the impact technology and the digital world have on our lives, but also offers tangible advice on how to get your tech use