Folger Shakespeare Library: Shakespeare Unlimited

Shakespeare, Chaucer, and the Tabard Inn, with Martha Carlin (Rebroadcast



What if Shakespeare and his friends had gotten together and carved their names on the wall of an inn made famous by Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales? In 2015, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee history professor Dr. Martha Carlin found an anecdote in a little-known, unpublished manuscript that suggests such a link between these two great English writers.   Unfortunately, the Tabard Inn burned down in the great Southwark fire of 1676, so there’s no way of knowing the truth for sure. But even if it only was hearsay, this Shakespeare graffiti story—and the alehouse-centric connection between two writers over 200 years apart that it suggests—captures the imagination. Carlin talks with Rebecca Sheir about the anonymous diarist who wrote the account and what might have drawn Shakespeare and his pals to the Tabard Inn. Dr. Martha Carlin is a professor of history in the College of Letters & Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. From the Shakespeare Unlimited podcast. © Folger Shakespeare Library. T