Storytelling With Seth

Where to Find the Courage to Challenge Your Beliefs by Asking what Serves You - with Tara Massan



This is Part Two in a series on Self Acceptance with Tara Massan. Want to listen to Part 1 First? Click here: Today's Conversation... Rough Starts can still make for a great conversation.  I don’t feel good. Stomach trouble.  Tara hurt her back when she tried a new workout routine called HIIT. I forget to ask her to explain what this is and means.  My best understanding is that it is High-Intensity Interval Training. My stomach, her back, means we are off to a rough start. But, we both know the remedy.  Rest enough and we will regain our health. The body heals itself.  Oh, and I still have a lingering cough, so you hear me opening a cough drop and crinkling a wrapper.  Today we are focusing on change.  Tara came up with this topic and I thought it was important that we did it right, which is why I asked her to take the lead.  If I was going to contribute to this idea, I