Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

241. Jetta Blaine: Answering The Call To Do The Inner Work



“Resistance is a doorway and on the other side of that doorway can be a lot of power.”It was such a joy to meet Jetta Blaine at the Feast It Forward Festival. Jetta is a lifestyle integration coach that specializes in using the plant medicine Kambo to facilitate shadow work, catharsis, and rapid transformation. Jetta has a gift for holding space for medicine journeys that guide people to a place of deep healing and purging. I have been wanting to bring on more experts to discuss plant medicines on the show for some time now. In my experience, plant medicines and substances are incredible tools for expanding consciousness and revealing aspects of our inner world that we can’t see. Although I have never personally tried Kambo, I’m very inspired to learn about different types of substances and rituals for healing & transformation. I was very grateful for the unexpected opportunity to learn about a new healing modality with someone so experienced and skilled with the medicine.Tune in now to hear Jet