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Megan Meyers How to Shine Online



Megan Meyers: How To Start A Successful Virtual Business and Gain The Freedom and Flexibility to Live Your Best Life, Now! From NFL Cheerleader to successful dance studio owner, to an online business expert, Megan Meyers is a busy mother of two who truly figured out how to have it all. 20 years ago, Megan turned her passion for dance into a thriving local dance studio in Napa, California. When motherhood became her highest priority, Megan used her entrepreneurial instincts and created a wildly successful online business - The Princess Ballerinas Studio Membership Program. Megan is a mentor and has shared her Princess Ballerinas program with over 2,000 dance studios worldwide - all while working part-time from the comfort of home. Today, Megan is passionate about helping other women “shine online” by teaching them how to turn their passion, skills, and experience into simple digital products, so that they can live the life of their dreams. Megan created The Shine Online Network; a one-of-a-kind national netwo