Bo Sanchez Radio

FULLTANK 1769: Are You Confused?



Are you facing a big decision right now and you don't know what to do? Are you confused which path you should take? Our gospel for today is in Matthew where the disciples ask Jesus why He speaks to people in parables. I pray that our message will clear your mind and allow God to guide your heart. --- PS: Do You Have High School Kids? We train teens to be the best version of themselves. Here was our crazy idea: Instead of asking High School kids to just answer tests and exams, why not let them create "Real Life" work? Example? Let them launch businesses, produce music albums, author books, paint murals... Etcetera! So two years ago, my sons and a bunch of amazing mentors built FREEDOM. In the past two years, our students have accomplished wonders! If you're interested to know more about this progressive high school, you can attend our orientation! FREEDOM is our new radical progressive school under Catholic Filipino Academy for Grades 7-12. If you want to know more about homeschooling, go to our Ins