
Designing Tough Turban - D&AD x DYL



A turban that looks and functions like a regular turban, but is as tough as a motorcycle helmet? It exists, and the product is an open-source design available for anyone to download. The Tough Turban is the result of an ingenious idea Vic Bath and the team at Zula Alpha Kilo have brought to life for client Pfaff Harley Davison, who came to the Canadian creative agency with a brief to help them appeal to a more diverse audience. The product has won a raft of awards, including a Wood Pencil and two Graphite Pencils at the D&AD Impact awards this year.  Listen in to episode three of our Designing for Impact series in collaboration with D&AD wherever you get your podcasts as Vince and Vic discuss the power of design to create a better world, the importance of diversity and how this incredible new product works. See for privacy information.