Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Be Diligent (2 Peter 1:10-15) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Through Peter's letters, God has been showing us what it looks like to live by the power of the Spirit as partakers of the divine nature. There are real, demonstratable ways to know if you are in Christ or not, and Peter has explaining them to us all along. Romans 8:29 says that God predestined all the elect to be conformed to the image of Christ. The reassuring evidence of your calling & election is increasing in Christlikeness. If these qualities are in you and increasing, Peter says: - you will not be fruitless (v. 8) - you will not fall away (v. 10) - you will enter the eternal kingdom of Christ (v. 11) Peter's "dying wish" (so to speak) is that he wants Christians to remember the qualities of a person changed by the grace of God. But remember that your pursuit of them doesn’t earn your salvation, it proves it. The Word of God warns us against being lazy in our faith and drifting away from Jesus Christ as our only hope. Strive against the current that tells you to be lazy. Resist the temptat