Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

188: What To Do When You Get Gooped: Setting Boundaries + Clearing Your Emotional & Energetic Field (#3 of 3 in Stay Light Series)



Are you clearing your emotional and energetic fields? What do you do when you get "gooped" by the world, a person, the news, the physical and virtual environments you find yourself in, or even by your own emotional triggers? "Gooped" is my partner Noah and my term for what happens to us when we get emotionally, mentally, energetically, and physically weighed down, swirled up, affected by external forces.  In the times we live in, it's really wise to ask yourself : What am I doing to keep my energy clear?  Are my energetic and emotional boundaries strong? How do I know when they are weak? And how do I strengthen them? Today, in part 3 of our 3 parts series called STAY LIGHT - how do we keep our life force strong, our minds clear, our emotions stable, our radiance bright in our current reality - individually and collectively - I invited in the person who often supports me to "de-goop"- my partner in life, love, business and service, Noah Martin. The centerpoint of our exploration today is this: "What does it me