Made in America with Ari Santiago

Westminster Tool: We grow people! (And by the way, we make stuff too)



This is why we started the Made in America podcast…episodes like this that provide incredible value to anyone who listens! Westminster Tool has quickly become known throughout CT for their incredibly forward thinking solution to workforce development and business in general: focus on growing your people and the rest will take care of itself! Ray Coombs, President of Westminster Tool, describes how this change started, what they've done, the investments they've made, and how it has made and continues to make them a stronger company. Ray and Ari discuss every aspect of Westminster's employee growth strategy: emotional intelligence, culture, core values, Westminster Academy, individual growth plans and more. Learn about Westminster Tool's improvement teams and how the entire company spends 45 minutes every day working on the business. In between these nuggets of gold, Ray tells personal stories he calls "electric fence" moments - moments that change the way you think about things forever. This episode makes you