Made in America with Ari Santiago

MW Industries/Economy Spring - When Passion Meets Private Equity



Most of our guests to-date have been from small to mid-sized manufacturing companies that are family or local owned. But, what happens to a family business when it can no longer stay "in the family". David Philbrick from MW Industries/Economy Spring discovered first-hand and tells the tale! This is a great success story about family, culture, growth, and investments. It's a different story than most, but then again, so is Dave's story! Dave Philbrick started in Manufacturing completely by accident. He shares his fun story and how it was the catalyst for a fantastic career in and a lifelong passion for manufacturing. Join Ari and Dave as they cover the importance of doing what you love, mentoring, and being part of your community.  David Philbrick, Tech Sales Business Development, MW Industries/Economy Spring: Dave's LinkedIn: Dave's email: MW Industries LinkedIn: MW Industries Facebo