Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Resistance Isn't Futile (1 Peter 5:8-14) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



*Due to technical difficulties, the audio from today's message was pulled from the livestream video. Peter uses the term "sober-minded" three times in this letter, so it's important. And each he uses it, he includes his reasoning behind it: - 1:13…be sober-minded…by setting your hope fully on the grace of Jesus Christ - 4:7…be sober-minded…because the end of all things is at hand & for the sake of your prayers - 5:8…be sober-minded…because the devil is working to destroy you Satan is real, he has a semblance of power, and is constantly wanting to use that power devour people. But how do we know the difference between Satan’s accusations and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, because both point to the same sin? - Satan shows you your sin in order to cripple you, to ruin you, and to ultimately destroy the image of God in you. - The Spirit shows you your sin to cleanse you, redeem you, & restore the image of God in you. Satan’s accusations and power ar