Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Fruitful Faith (2 Peter 1:3-9) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Grace and peace and everything needed to please God in this life and the life to come are the Christian's through His divine power granted by the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ. God calls sinners to Himself and He alone gives the gift of faith, and here's the incredible thing - what God calls Chtistians to do He supplies them the power to accomplish. God’s power and promises graciously grant Christians the ability to escape the corruption of sinful desire. The virtues Peter lists are things that should be apparent in the life of each Christian; they identify those who have been called by the glory and excellence of God; they distinguish those who are partakers of the divine nature. When Peter says to “add” to faith, he’s not implying that it’s lacking in some way. The idea here is growth in the Christian life. The grace of God is ever-increasing, always advancing, always pushing Christians to Christlikeness. Have you forgotten who you are in Christ and become blind to w