Chris Burge Ministries' Podcast

Do You Have Peace? (Part 2)



Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Spiritual Peace—which we more commonly refer to as being born again. There are three other types of peace referenced in the bible: There is Obedience Peace, which deals with the peace that is associated with complying with God’s commandments. Simply put: It is impossible to be a successful sinner in God’s Economy. There is also Personal Peace, often referred to as the “peace of God.” This is the type of peace that helps us in our decision-making process. Lastly, there is Peace with Others: This deals with having harmonious relationships with those in close proximity. God desires that we have the all-encompassing peace that is composed of all four. If you only have the first type of peace, you can be on your way to Heaven with hell kicking your butt every step o