Dementia Matters

Non-Pharmacological Care for People with MCI and Dementia: Plenary Preview with Dr. Linda Lam



AAIC Special Series Part 3: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is an early stage of memory loss and cognitive impairment that can develop into dementia. While physicians have medications they can prescribe to manage the condition, many researchers and doctors are focusing on lifestyle interventions that could support a person’s cognition and address behavioral changes. Dr. Linda Lam joins the podcast to discuss her work studying mild cognitive impairment and preview her upcoming AAIC plenary talk on non-pharmacological treatments for MCI and dementia. Guest: Linda Lam, MBChB, MD, professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong Show Notes AAIC is the world’s largest forum for the dementia research community. Register for the plenary events, which are free to the public with registration, at the AAIC website. Learn more about Dr. Linda Lam on the Chinese University of Hong Kong website. Connect with us Find transcripts and more at our website. Email Dementia Matters: Follow us on Faceb