Pamela R Haynes

Pamela R Haynes interviews author Leah Bailey. Author of Chasing Apollo.



Raised in the US but living permanently in the UK since 2003, Leah has an international point of view when it comes to the inspirational nature of the world around her. As a teacher of English Language and Literature for over ten years, and as a writer of poetry and fiction for more than 25, Leah has dedicated her life to the written word and its ability to inspire and connect people. Connect them to the world around them, their own thoughts and emotions and the experiences we all share as we travel the paths of our lives. Leah holds degrees in English, Comparative Literature and International Studies from Pennsylvania State University in the United States as well as a Minor in German Language and Literature. At Canterbury Christ Church University Leah Trained for a PGCE in teaching secondary English, Media Studies and Drama. Most days are spent sharing her passion for the written word with young people, trying to comprehend British slang and making sure her coffee cup is never empty for the health and saf