Future Science Group

Artificial intelligence in healthcare



Recently, the Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH) published "The Lifecycle of an AI System in Healthcare", a whitepaper defining what healthcare is and provides guidelines on implementing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in this setting. In this episode of Talking Techniques, we speak with Oscar Rodriguez, a board member at AAIH and one of the authors of this whitepaper, to find out more about what the lifecycle of AI is, the importance of having guidelines when applying AI or ML in healthcare and what the future holds for this type of computer modeling. Contents: Intro: 00:00 - 00:45What are some of the ways that AI is used in healthcare? 00:45 - 5:04What are the current limitations of using AI in healthcare settings? 5:04 - 9:28The lifecycle of an AI system: 9:28 - 14:04How did you develop these guidelines for AI in healthcare? 14:04 - 17:28Summary of the guidelines from the white paper: 17:28 - 19:09Do you think some of these guidelines could be applicable to A