Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Episode 151: Hebrews 8 "I WILL vs you shall"



New Covenant versus Old Covenant.Covenant: An agreement between 2 parties.OLD COVENANT: Was the agreement God made with the nation of Israel in the book of Exodus. Obey God’s laws to live. If you shall then I will. 10 commandments then grew to 613 laws. Laws of rules and standards, creating hypocrisy and numbness.NEW COVENANT: Was needed because the law will never change us from the inside out. The New Covenant is:1. Based on what God says “I will do” not what you say you will do.2. Because we are now led from within. Being changed on the inside.3. We now have 24/7 access now to to God with Jesus as our mediator.4. We have forgiveness of our sins. Removed and forgotten as far at the east is from the west and remembered no more. Paid in full from Adam to you today by Jesus. We have been forgiven.Works based religion, an old covenant system, does not work anymore. Jesus came to tear that veil and break the wall of separation. No person can stand anymore between us and Him. It is time to let go of the old and