Brand Yourself

200: The Key to Early Stage Business Growth with Emmy Marie



So, we just hit 200 episodes!!!!! I’m looking at that number and literally cannot believe it. That’s a lot of conversations and solo recordings in just 4 years. So much has happened since then - I had a baby. We experienced a pandemic. My family moved out of New York City to the suburbs. And so much in between. This show has truly been such a constant - a space for me to share my truth and my voice and have beautiful conversations with incredible humans - within so much change! Thank you so much for being on the journey with me. And for letting me know that these episodes have helped you in some way. Whenever someone writes me to share how Brand Yourself has impacted them and their business, I get so excited. Because that’s why I do this. I do it to help you. To remind you that you’re here on this planet for a reason - and that inner calling is something you gotta follow. Ok, so, how are we celebrating this milestone???? With a giveaway!!!! I’m giving away 3 brand therapy sessions. A Brand Therapy Session is