Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

We Are People Too



Hey Fam, We are so thankful to have reached our third year with Just My Opinion. So many times we wonder how we are doing and it's a blessing to have gotten here. We hope that we can continue to grow and make a change in how people view our community. In this show we discuss the House of Representatives version of the new healthcare bill. We focused on the pre-existing conditions clause because we both have them, as well as many other Americans. The fact is that if states are given the option to cover us or opt out, what do you think they will do. We give examples of what has happened to us regarding our medical conditions and insurance. M.T. discusses the economic status of the LGBTQ community in comparison to the heterosexual community. It's obvious that there is some tomfoolery going on. There are a few passengers for the A-Train to Hell.  1. Rick Brittan - www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article149595284.html 2. Joe Walsh - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/joe-walsh-jimmy-kimmel-baby-tweet_us_590