Iraki Nutrition Podcast

Episode 28: Martin MacDonald-Meal frequency and timing



Martin is a Clinical Performance Nutritionist and CEO of, the UK’s leading nutrition consultancy. He holds a BSc in Sport and Exercise Science and postgraduates in Sports Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition, along with the obligatory CSCS qualification. Martin and his team at Mac-Nutrition have recently launched Mac-Nutrition Uni, the UK’s only evidence-based, 12-month online nutrition course ( Although he may not look like it, Martin does even lift; he actually competed as a natural bodybuilder in several shows spanning 5 years, before giving up and blaming his lack of success on genetics. LINKS You can sign up for Martin’s FREE eBook on "Intermittent Fasting for Single Digit Body Fat” as well as the free video lectures he mentioned HERE: Keep up to date with Martin on Social media via Facebook ( and Twitter ( In this podcast, Martin and I discussed meal frequency and ti