Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG1828 I get to meet Portia Munson, a big artist hero and influence on me and a lot of artists..



I have been a huge fan of Portia Munson since I saw her work at the Bad Girls Show at the New Museum in 1994. In our session, she was an open book on so many topics which both surprised me and yet, made sense at the same time since her work is so honest. We talked in depth about her childhood, her dyslexia which likely help develop her focus to make visual art. She talked about growing up in a religious family, and how it affected her. We discussed her role as a young female artist attending Cooper Union and Skowhegan, before moving to the Catskills with her husband. Some great pre-gentrification, lower east side stories in there! She had an early job which including being a cab driver-weird, right? She has a great, secure take on being a mother-she has 2 children, a boy, now 24, and a girl who is 19. I could go on-but just listen for yourself! More about Portia's work: https://www.ppowgallery.com/artist/portia-munson/work www.portiamunson.com This video is a great studio visit with Portia in the Catskills: h