Mind Matters

Our Bright and Complex, Twice-Exceptional Kids with Dr. Dan Peters



Quirky kids often become the most accomplished adults, especially when they are allowed to grow and mature in a welcoming, neurodiversity-affirming environment. Dr. Dan Peters joins Emily Kircher-Morris to talk about the progress we’ve made toward that goal, and some of the pitfalls teachers, parents, and mental health professionals encounter as they guide kids into the future. Other topics include underachievement, PDA, dyslexia, and what we can learn from the bright, complex kids in our lives. Also, educators and school administrators who are looking for continuing education or professional development material for gifted/twice-exceptional programs should consider our new offering, a 15-hour, 6-module course called “Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students,” by Emily Kircher-Morris. Learn more and sign up at the Neurodiversity University. ABOUT THE GUEST - Dr. Dan Peters is a psychologist, author, co-founder and Executive Director of the Summit Center. Dr. Peters has devoted his career to the as