Dementia Matters

Study Shows Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders Can Lead to Worse Care, Increase Death Rates



A do-not-resuscitate, or DNR, order is used to indicate when a patient chooses to forgo resuscitation, however recent analysis shows that multiple studies have connected the presence of DNR orders to elevated death rates, poorer medical care, and negative health outcomes. Dr. Jonathan Baktari joins the podcast to discuss the findings from this analysis, how it can impact individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and how these concerns can be addressed. Guest: Jonathan Baktari, MD, CEO, chief medical officer, e7 Health Show Notes Read about Dr. Baktari’s analysis, “DNR Orders Can Lead to Worse Care & Increase Death Rates,” on the e7 Health website. Learn more about Dr. Baktari at his bio on his website. Connect with us: Find transcripts and more at our website. Email Dementia Matters. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe to the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center’s e-newsletter.