Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

CFD 055 - A Peek Into Eric Lofholm's Self-Affirming Mindset: Listen In; Write the Script to Become a Sales Superstar!



So you don't think you need to be a skillful salesperson? Cash Flow Diary guest and Sales Superstar Eric Lofholm would disagree! And he can prove it. Look at all he has accomplished. This episode will help put you on a different path to a better mindset about getting good at sales. After all, isn't it better to be "salesy" rather than be "brokesy"? We think so! Listen to this exciting, fast-paced episode now to learn the formula to building your new sales skill set and changing your life. What's it take? Here's a hint. It starts with the power of our words and choosing to use the right ones! Listen now.