Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

CFD 056 - Born to Talk: Guest Ryan Moran Shares Nuggets of Wisdom about Building Business, Taking Action and the Exchange of Value



Ryan Moran is best known for his knowledge in starting and growing online businesses. He was earning a quarter of a million dollars at the age of 21! He doesn’t teach for a fee thee days, but gives of his time and knowledge to help others learn how to build businesses that create cash flow. He also invests his earnings in dividend-paying stocks. Listen as he shares why he chose that vehicle over investing in real estate. (Though admittedly, he says it is “online real estate” that got him where he is today.) Why not real estate? It’s not for everyone; his passions lie elsewhere. Ryan has done well in his business, and now he shares his knowledge, his story and his mindset with us for free. This is a really fun episode, because we cover a lot of different topics around education, jobs, cash flow, lifestyle and money. We even discuss how the type of person you are affects how you act as a person with money. Listen now.