Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

CFD 063 - Ever Wanted the Keys to Prosperity? Gerald Rogers Hands Them Over in this Unique Interview!



Every once in a while a guest really surprises me by saying something so refreshing and so honest that I'm at a loss for words. However, my interview with Gerald Rogers did just that. He and I have a lot of common beliefs. We have a lot in common period! One of the first books he read that would change his life was also one of my first life-changing books: Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad. The conversation you will hear in this episode between Gerald and me will make you understand that no matter what you are facing right now, no matter where you are starting from, you CAN get to your goals. As Gerald puts it so accurately, you can become a Prosperity Producer in your life! You will hear some interesting terms like, "new level; new devil." That was a new one on me anyway. We talk about how to stop being a victim who practices unconscious reactions to becoming a conscious creator who takes responsibility for our actions. Boy, you are in for a treat. Better grab your note pad for this one