Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

CFD 067 - Extraordinary Speaker and Bestselling Author of Several Books Tells Us How to Turn Adversaries Into Allies!



Interpersonal skills rule in Bob Burg's world and in mine. In fact, Bob points out that these skills are critical to success in anyone's world. In this episode, we have a lively discussion about the importance of developing these skills, becoming a real influencer to those around you, what that means and how it can have a fantastic and very positive effect on your life and path, and the five principles of influence. Whew! This interview revved me up. We go on to talk about the difference between being pushy and having pull with people, leveraging in life and business, and the difference between compliance and commitment. At the end of this interview, Bob leaves us with a gift. I won't be a spoiler here. You'll just have to tune in and give this episode your ear. Listen now.