Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

CFD 079 - What are you THINKING right now? It is far more important than you know, says guest Dr. Jeffrey Fannin



What would Dr. Jeffrey Fannin know about thoughts and how they can hold us back? He is an absolute brain expert. A brain trainer in cognitive enhancement studies, Dr. Fannin is highly accredited to talk about our brains. His research goes beyond recovery after brain injury and disorders of the brain. He teaches others how to think differently to achieve what they SAY they want. Achievement and success start in the brain... with an idea. But what then? Action steps. (You had to know that was coming.) Your mindset matters. Why do we do what we do? That is the question that pushed Dr. Fannin to pursue his path in brain studies. While he began as a airline pilot who was laid off and then took a more traditional path to earn his PhD in psychology, he went on to ask the larger questions. He wasn't satisfied with just helping his clients change their lives by changing their patterns of thought. He wanted to do more... and help more people. Now he does brain mapping and can explain the science behind grey matter