Roker Rapport

ROKER RAPPORT EDITORIAL: A week in the life of Sunderland AFC - Why can't we just be a normal club?



Well it's been a weird week or so as an SAFC fan, leaving a few of our editorial group with more questions than answers surrounding all kinds of issues, so Phil West, Rich Speight and Martin Wanless got together to see what they made of it all!  What's the crack? The Fans Together, Methven and Donald - some games are likely being played here, how much of a risk is this proposed deal, how likely is it to go any further than it has, and who benefits from the chaos it brings - as it's certainly not the fans is it?  KLD: what would the lads like to see from our Chairman? Minor shareholder's games aside - should he be showing more commitment to both the immediate and long-term future of the club?  Speakman: As we're on the subject of running things... the sporting director has been chatting recently, so what do the lads make of what he had to say and what do they make of the job he's done so far?  Is club business being impacted by the shareholders infighting? Can Sunde