



Plan for the next day before bed.睡觉前做好明天的计划。Wake up early.早起。Get enough sleep.睡足。Embrace the morning.拥抱早晨。Eat your breakfast.吃早餐。Exercise.做运动。Frame your emotional state in the morning before everything else.早上第一件事就是整理好情绪。Do nothing. Spend 10 to 15 minutes a day every morning to breath.什么都不做。每天早上花上10到15分钟呼吸训练。Make a to-do list with maximum 6 tasks.待办事项不超过六项。Take breaks throughout the day.一天的工作中,要穿插适当的休息。Take a nap.中午小憩一会。Reflect the day in the evening.晚上回忆总结。Work backwards from the future.对工作的眼光放长远。Create to-do list sub-deadlines the night before.提前一天制定次日待办事项的完成时间节点。View failure as learning opportunities.视失败为学习的机会。Say no (nicely).友好地拒绝他人。Use email tools/ systems to optimize the inbox.使用邮箱工具或者系统来优化收信箱。Build exercise and healthy eating into daily routines to increase mental energy.坚持日常锻炼和良好的饮食习惯,来增加精力。Optimize computer skills for speed.优化个人电脑技术以此提高效率。